% sample1b.ini % This ini file makes one page (no frames) and does NOT use CSS. % There will be one board for every game, with the % pgn (text) moves to the right. The text moves are linked % to the board - click on a move and the position will be % shown. % Command defaults are shown with a % before the command name. % Somme commands are suppressed likewise. % % If you want to use this ini file you must change the paths/URLs % to match your directory structure. There are URLs in the commands: % "imgurl", "boardimage" and "conpanurl" pointing to piece images, % board image and control panel. [palview] % **************************************************************** % Section 1 - HTML formatting of the page (background colour etc.) % **************************************************************** % pagebackground="" (Sets BACKGROUND image in if desired) % pagebackground="" % tablewidth="" (width of chess board table in percent. Default is none.) tablewidth=90 % padding=20 (space (pixels) between game moves and board tables) padding=20 % ************************************************************ % Section 2 - Chess board and pieces (size, colour, URL etc.) % ************************************************************ % pcsize = 19, 24, 29, 35 (pixel size of pieces used for boards) pcsize=29 % imgurl="jpc" (URL of images (pieces, etc.) relative from page) imgurl="jpc" % boardimage="" (No board image declaration) boardimage="jpc/brdmarblebrown29.jpg" % boardvalign="" (top, bottom, center) boardvalign=top % ************************************************************ % Section 3 - Control panel % ************************************************************ % conpanurl="" (URL of controlpanel relative from page) conpanurl="jpc" %controlpanelname="p3con0.gif" % javastartbutname (default is "START") %javastartbutname="|<" % javaendbutname (default is "END") %javaendbutname=">|" % autotime=1500 (milliseconds between autoplayed moves. 1000 = 1sec) autotime=1200 % onevents=1 (How many actions in file. Default = onClick only) onevents=1 %usekeystrokes=off (allows use of keyboard if database=on) usekeystrokes=on % Displays a small help text when the mouse hovers % over the control panel buttons. constarttip="Game start" con5backtip="5 back" conbacktip="1 back" conforwardtip="1 forward" con5forwardtip="5 forward" conendtip="Game end" confliptip="Flip board" conautotip="Autoplay" % ****************************************************************** % Section 4 - Page Layout (frames, no frames, number of boards etc.) % ****************************************************************** % htmltype = normal, frames, iframe, static, database, muliframe, overview % Normal creates a single page. If htmltype is set to "database" all % games will be viewed on one board in the left frame with % all the game text/moves in the right frame. htmltype=normal % dbtags=result, eco (if database=on. Displays result and/or ECO % code after the players' names in the game selection box). dbtags=result, eco % displaymode = 0, 1, 2, 3 % displaymode=0 (Select various built-in display options. See Doc) % Displaymode 3 should NOT be used in combination with a stylesheet. % A bug in Netscape 4.* will make a mess of it. However % displaymode=3 and NO stylesheet is perfectly safe. displaymode=1 % ****************************************************************** % Section 5 - PGN moves (presentation of game text moves) % ****************************************************************** % stylesheet="style1.css" (if active, the *.css file must be in % the same directory as the html file). stylesheet="onegameview.css" % pgnmoves=off (Generate game moves from PGN file text.) % If pgnmoves=off only the board will be shown. pgnmoves=on % movelinks=off (Link pgnmoves to board position. Default = off) % With movelinks=on every move in the game text is written as a link % to a board position, which increases file size. This should be % considered if you have many games to show. movelinks=on % pcletters="PNBRQK" (Letters to use for printing game moves.) % In German or Scandinavian countries you'd probably use % pcletters="BSLTDK" - se Doc. pcletters="PNBRQK" % movename="Move" (Your language's equivalent) movename="Move" %Symbols for annotation symurl= "sym" % resultflag=off (Displays result of game along with last move) resultflag=on % symbolfont=cbaries (Sets CBWIN font to use if enabled by symbolmethod) %symbolfont=cbaries % symbolmethod = gif, text (Sets how symbols and figs will be used. See Doc) symbolmethod=gif % figurines = on, off (If CBWIN font is used, figurines can also be used) figurines=off % pgnheader=on (Show player names, event etc.) pgnheader=on % gameinfomode=0 or 1. % If set to 1 and if you use a stylesheet, the pgn header info will % be put into a box (table) over the game text. gameinfomode=1 % ****************************************************************** % Section 6 - Player names and Info % ****************************************************************** % dbnamepattern = full, last, short, firstlast, initlast dbnamepattern=short % namepattern = full, last, short, firstlast, initlast namepattern=full % ****************************************************************** % Section 7 - Technical/Misc. % ****************************************************************** % scriptloc=head (Where to place script. Inside or ) scriptloc=head % ssi=off (Used for Server Side Include. See Documentation for this) ssi=off % ****************************************************************** % Section 7 - New P3 commands/options % ****************************************************************** refreshtime=60 %ns4comp = on/off %ns4comp = on %bordercolor = "colordef" % Remove intro comments in pgn file. Useful for live transmissions. % introcom = on | off introcom = off % titletype = none, players, event, both, text titletype = text titletext = "Palview & Palive live mode" % screenwidth = 640, 800, 1024 screenwidth=800 % hilightcolor = colordef <"green" or "#FFFFC0" for example> % hilightcolor = "moccasin" % variationcolor = colordef % variationcolor = "green" % flagurl = url flagurl = "flag" % movingpcs = on, off movingpcs = on % multilang = on, off multilang = off % linebreaks = on, off linebreaks = off % jsfile = on, off % jsfile = off % tooltipboard = on, off tooltipboard=on consteptip="Step Into Variations" % flags = on, off flags = on % ecofilename ecofilename = "p3eco.eco" % ------------------------------------------